Our group can only offer all the fantastic opportunities that it does to the children because of the efforts of our leaders and section volunteers. We are always in need of adult helpers, regardless of whether you are interested in becoming a fully fledged leader, a member of our executive committee or can only offer a few hours once in a while, every little helps.
- The majority of our Leaders have full time jobs and a family – we’re all busy!
- All our Leaders are covered by a comprehensive insurance policy while taking part.
- Leaders get involved because they want to have fun and make new friends.
- Many of our helpers and leaders are parents of our youth members because they’ve seen first-hand how Scouting benefits young people and want to give something back.
We could, in all seriousness, run twice the number of sections if leaders were to come forward. It’s not as onerous as it might seem. Any prospective leader would be given full support of the Executive committee plus training, a majority of which can be done in modular form; it does not mean weeks away from home!
If you feel you have the skills necessary to fulfill the above; perhaps you were once a scout or guide with all the experience that you gained, we’d love to hear from you.
Please contact Stuart in the first instance: stuart@dittonsscouts.com